Browsing by Author Agnes Scott College

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Showing results 332 to 351 of 479 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Scaling Up Climate Action Through Building Stewardship: The Carbon Savings of Existing and Historic Buildings at Agnes Scott CollegeAgnes Scott College
2003Science CenterAgnes Scott College
2003Science Center CelebrationAgnes Scott College
1918Science HallAgnes Scott College
1981Science HallAgnes Scott College
2010The Scottie In YouAgnes Scott College
1962Scrapbook page showing Robert Frost in the Agnes Scott College libraryAgnes Scott College
1962Scrapbook page showing Robert Frost speaking with students on January 24, 1962Agnes Scott College
2020Searching for HomeAgnes Scott College Dalton Gallery; Moye, Dorothy; Cozzens, Christine S.; Zak, Lee; Cullum, Jerry
1965Service of Dedication of the Charles A. Dana Fine Arts BuildingAgnes Scott College
1949Service of Dedication: Frances Winship Walters InfirmaryAgnes Scott College
1949Service of Dedication: Frances Winship Walters Infirmary (program)Agnes Scott College
1950Service of Dedication: The Letitia Pate Evans Dining HallAgnes Scott College
1990Service of Worship and Wallace M. Alston Window DecorationAgnes Scott College
2019showing/thinkingAgnes Scott College Dalton Gallery; Cochran, Gus; Ruby, Nell; Dusseault, Ruth; Harvey, Lilia; Peifer, Janelle S.
2019Side / sideAgnes Scott College Dalton Gallery; Kessenich, Veronica; Carnes, Anna
2019Side / side: Selections from the Permanent Collection (Opening Reception)Agnes Scott College Dalton Gallery
1987Silhoueette 1987 Volume 84Agnes Scott College
1924The Silhouete Volume XXIAgnes Scott College
2004SilhouetteAgnes Scott College