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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Faculty Handbook 2024-2025Agnes Scott College
1966Fall EventsAgnes Scott College
2007Founder's Day Convocation and Groundbreaking for the Julia Thompson Smith ChapelAgnes Scott College
1940Founder's Day Greetings to AlumnaeMcCain, Dr. James Ross
1941Founder's Day RecordingsMcCain, Dr. James Ross; McKinney, Louise; Sweet, Dr. Mary F.
1943Founder's Day RecordingsSmith, Lillian S.; Torrance, Catherine; Cunningham, Robert B.
1944Founder's Day RecordingsSydenstricker, Alma; MacDougall, Mary Stuart
1947Founder's Day RecordingsJohnson, Lewis H.; Agnes Scott College Glee Club
1956Founder's Day RecordingsLaney, Emma May; Scandrett, Carrie
1950Founder's Day RecordingsAgnes Scott College
1955Founder's Day RecordingsTart, J.C.; Rogers, P.J.; Stukes, S.G.; Gooch, Frances K.; Winter, Roberta; Flint, John; Simmons, Henry; Starke, Wesley
1942Founder's Day Recordings: Report of Campaign and InterviewsWinship, George; Alexander, Lucile; Cox, Mary; Carey, Ella
1999Gala Reception and Dinner Celebrating the Renovation of Letitia Pate Evans HallAgnes Scott College
2004GatheringAgnes Scott College Dalton Gallery; Alembik, Lisa; Philip, Virginia; Cullum, Jerry
1987The George W. and Irene K. Woodruff Quadrangle Dedication CeremonyAgnes Scott College
2019Graduate Catalog 2019-2020Agnes Scott College
2020Graduate Catalog 2020-2021Agnes Scott College
2021Graduate Catalog 2021-2022Agnes Scott College
2022Graduate Catalog 2022-2023Agnes Scott College
2023Graduate Catalog 2023-2024Agnes Scott College